It is starting to get late where I live and although I would like to write more tonight, I feel it would be best to wait until at least tomorrow when I am more rested. I would like a bit more cognitive fortitude and be able to articulate my experiences better. However, I would like to put down a list of topics to eventually write about while the ideas are still floating in my head.
1. Preferably a thorough and comprehensive list of all the substances I've used and abused (several dozens). At least I would like to write these in prioritized order:
Nitrous oxide (laughing gas/whip-its)
Dextromethorphan (DXM/cough syrup)
2. My episode(s) of mania and psychosis (as a result of nitrous oxide abuse)
3. My two arrests (especially the first one which involves being tased several times)
4. Involvement in mental health court
5. Struggles with mental health; suicidal ideation and suicide attempt
6. Losing my job and nursing license
7. Journey into recovery/sobriety
8. Physical health impacts of nitrous oxide abuse (nerve damage)