I suppose that I'll cap off this evening with a short list of some of my goals that I am looking to accomplish:
Short term:
1) Continue going to at least two social/recovery events hosted by the local recovery community
2) Continue my one day of volunteering at the local recovery cafe and continue to ask about other opportunities for volunteering
3) Look for and apply for jobs that I learned about from a job fair earlier this week
4) At least look at and apply to peer support training (I'm not sure if I qualify for it; I have had sustained mental health recovery, but my recovery from substance use is still in its infancy
5) Lose 5lbs in the next two weeks: continue walking daily, weight lift 3-4x a week, eating well
Intermediate term:
1) Lose 15lbs by the end of February/ early March and finally get back below 200lbs
2) Graduate from mental health court by April if everything goes as planned
3) Hopefully get into and finish the 40 hours of peer support training as well as successfully passing the exam
4) Published another 6-12+ blog posts in the next few months
Long Term:
1) Get back to 180lbs by late summer/early fall
2) Possibly get my nursing license reinstated (although I'm still unsure if I want to pursue nursing again)
3) Start working as peer support in the community
There's more I'd like to do that is not immediately coming to mind since I am getting sleepy and I would like to wind down for the evening. Additionally, I know that as time progresses and I delve deeper into my recovery, I will think of more goals and activities that I would like to achieve.